The potential for electric vehicles in New Zealand

There is huge potential for electric vehicles in New Zealand because of our vast renewable energy sources.  From a sustainability perspective, this is quite important, as it could offer a way to reduce our carbon emissions. Transport consumes the most energy in New Zealand. In fact, over a third of all energy consumption in the

Are energy savings a source of productivity in a SME?

I’ve been deep in analysis of comments from SMEs on the topic of energy recently and came across a comment that made me think. The comment stated that an enterprise tended to focus on actions that bring about productivity rather than energy savings. This got me thinking – do energy saving actions increase productivity in

“To drive or not to drive, that is the question.”

Every day we make decisions about how we travel. These decisions include whether to go somewhere, where to go and how to get there. While we have some control over how we travel, there are a whDebbie400bioole range of things that we don’t

Why do research on energy use?

Energy makes everything happen. Without electricity and other fuels, the economy wouldn’t produce goods and services, freight and people would stay in one place, and homes would be cold and dark.