Registration open for OERC Symposium

Don’t forget to register for the 2015 Otago Energy Research Centre Symposium, scheduled for November 19th at Arana College at the University of Otago. Thank you to all those who have already registered.

“Energy Transitions and Technologies”  The 2015 OERC Symposium will bring together academics, industry and community stakeholders undertaking energy-related research and innovation.

Invited Speakers:

Dr Steve Batstone

New Home Performance Advisor Training programme launched

Home energy advisor logoSally Blackwell, one of our Energy Cultures PhD student has been involved in developing the newly launched Home Performance Advisor training programme for those working with energy and houses.

The Home Performance Advisor programme provides intensive science-based training to gain a comprehensive understanding of how

Having driver’s licence no longer de rigueur- Otago Daily Times

Getting a driver’s licence is not the rite of passage it used to be, with young people increasingly going online rather than getting behind the wheel. (Click here to read full article)

New Zealand Herald: Can solar fit into the energy mix?

The GREEN Grid project at the University of Canterbury’s Electrical Power Engineering Centre (EPEC) is an attempt to investigate the impact of photovoltaic (PV) solar power generation on low and medium voltage distribution networks. Colleagues from Canterbury’s department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Otago University’s marketing department and Centre for Sustainability.

Driving change: Otago Daily Times

New Zealand could park a significant chunk of its carbon emissions by focusing on transport, but it’s a journey that’s only just beginning Tom McKinlay reports.

Interviewed are Dr Janet Stephenson, director of the University of Otago’s Centre for Sustainability and one of the authors of  ‘

Energy Cultures research inspires ‘Hot PV’

Barbara Elliston, a former Energy Cultures Masters student and much more, was inspired by her time on the project to carry through with her interest in developing ‘Hot PV’.

Here’s an article by her about the product which starts off with her discussion with us at morning tea.

Dunedin Television: Skip Laitner Interview

Skip Laitner is a resource economist based in Tucson, Arizona. He is in New Zealand for next week’s Energy Conference in Wellington, and in Dunedin to speak at the University of Otago and the Chamber of Commerce.