The potential for electric vehicles in New Zealand

There is huge potential for electric vehicles in New Zealand because of our vast renewable energy sources.  From a sustainability perspective, this is quite important, as it could offer a way to reduce our carbon emissions. Transport consumes the most energy in New Zealand. In fact, over a third of all energy consumption in the

New Zealand Herald: Can solar fit into the energy mix?

The GREEN Grid project at the University of Canterbury’s Electrical Power Engineering Centre (EPEC) is an attempt to investigate the impact of photovoltaic (PV) solar power generation on low and medium voltage distribution networks. Colleagues from Canterbury’s department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Otago University’s marketing department and Centre for Sustainability.

Driving change: Otago Daily Times

New Zealand could park a significant chunk of its carbon emissions by focusing on transport, but it’s a journey that’s only just beginning Tom McKinlay reports.

Interviewed are Dr Janet Stephenson, director of the University of Otago’s Centre for Sustainability and one of the authors of  ‘

Clean Disruption in Transport

Last week one of our collaborators, Mighty River Power sponsored an Auckland Council event with the key speaker Tony Seba a lecturer in Entrepreneurship at Stanford University.  This provocative presentation about Clean Disruption in Transport highlights some interesting trends and his conclusions about where public / private transport is heading (and in his view heading there

Are energy savings a source of productivity in a SME?

I’ve been deep in analysis of comments from SMEs on the topic of energy recently and came across a comment that made me think. The comment stated that an enterprise tended to focus on actions that bring about productivity rather than energy savings. This got me thinking – do energy saving actions increase productivity in

“To drive or not to drive, that is the question.”

Every day we make decisions about how we travel. These decisions include whether to go somewhere, where to go and how to get there. While we have some control over how we travel, there are a whDebbie400bioole range of things that we don’t

Non-drivers and non-car owners win a NZ$100 supermarket voucher!

Recruitment drive for non-drivers and non-car owners!

As part of the Energy Cultures research programme, we are conducting research into generation Y’s travel behaviours. For this research we require participants who:

o    Have grown up in Dunedin (especially ages 14-20)

o    Either, not have their drivers licence (or only learners) OR have a licence but have decided not to own a